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To track, record and manage the Invoice records in the tabular format excel files for further data analysis.


This product can be used to enter, track, record and manage the data of Invoices by a seller for future decisions as well as to have picture of the types Of Invoices created by the Shop Or Small to Mid-Size Firms/Organizations whether the Invoices are Business to Business Or Business to Customer. This product also supports the Invoice Due Date Vs Invoice Paid-On Date feature which can be used for Business Intelligence visualization of the average Invoices Paid in how many days of the Invoice Due Date i.e., Average Invoice Payment Days can be calculated by considering these two field columns. All the Tax information must be entered manually as the Tax percentages are different for each type of Products or Services hence this product does not comes with the auto-calculation of the Taxes of the Invoices.


  • Product Guide is provided with Step-By-Step process to use the product is available with all MS-Excel Based Products.

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