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Maximo Functional Specification

 A comprehensive approach to Maximo Functional Specifications Writing

Maximo BIRT Reports Services

Expert development Or Modifications of BIRT reports for Maximo from the Maximo Reports Specifications

Maximo Core Product Modules End-User Training

The Path to Success

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Maximo Database Configuration

Expert Development of Database Tables, Views and Database Relationships

Maximo Application Designer 

Expert development of Application User Interface modifications and Tabs  Development for Maximo from the Maximo Application Screen Specifications

Maximo Maintenance and Enhancements Services

Development of the Changes related to Maintenance and Enhancements Activities

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Maximo Integration Configuration

Expert Development of External Systems, Object Structures, Publish Channels and Enterprise Services

Maximo System Configuration 

Expert development of the Non-Java related Requirements.

Maximo Workflow Configurations

Expert Workflows Development

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Maximo Migration Module

Expert Development of Migration Groups, Migration Collections and Migration Packages

Maximo 'How To' Documentation 

Excellent development of the Maximo Functionality 'How To' Documents

Maximo Security Configurations

Expert Development of Maximo Security Groups

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Maximo Escalation Configurations

Expert Configuration of Escalation Requirements

Maximo QBR Reports

Excellent development of the Maximo QBR and AD-Hoc Reports

Release Notes Preparations

Expert Development of Maximo Release Notes

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Maximo Data Loading

Expert Development of Interfaces for loading data through flat-files Or Interface Tables

Maximo Core Product Modules

Excellent Documentation of the Core Product Modules

Maximo Database Standardization

Defining Naming Conventions Guidelines and Migration Collection based  Development approach for the New Implementations

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Maximo Flat-File Template Creations

Expert Development of Flat-Files Templates

KPI Templates Creation

Expert Development of the simple KPI Templates and generating KPIs from KPI Templates

Simple KPIs Development

Defining where clauses of the KPIs and creating KPIs

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Maximo Anywhere Work List Query Development

Expert Development of SQL queries for Maximo Anywhere Applications' work lists

Maximo System XML Development

Expert Development of the system look ups

Maximo Conditional UI Development

Expert Development of Conditional UI using Signature Options

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Maximo JVMs Scaling Document

Provides JVM Scalability Excel File Upon Request

Maximo User-Growth Forecast

Provides User-Growth Forecast on Request

Maximo Hardware Sizing Document

Provides Maximo Hardware Sizing Excel Document Upon Request

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